Resiltech @ Cybersecurity Day 2019
On 11th October 2019, ResilTech took part in the Cybersecurity Day, an event within the Internet Festival organized by IIT-CNR.CNR… Leggi tutto »Resiltech @ Cybersecurity Day 2019
On 11th October 2019, ResilTech took part in the Cybersecurity Day, an event within the Internet Festival organized by IIT-CNR.CNR… Leggi tutto »Resiltech @ Cybersecurity Day 2019
ResilTech is proud to annunce its entrance in the Arm Functional Safety Partnership Program.The program, as refered on the Arm blog,… Leggi tutto »ResilTech part of Arm Functional Safety Partnership Program
Today ResilTech will take part in the workshop titled “ICT Innovation On Vehicular Technology and Application” hosted by the University… Leggi tutto »Workshop “ICT Innovation On Vehicular Technology and Application”
Resiltech jointly with Aalborg University is organizing the 1st International Workshop on “Dependable Solution for Intelligent Electricity Distribution Grid (DSOGRI)”,… Leggi tutto »Workshop on “Dependable Solution for Intelligent Electricity Distribution Grid (DSOGRI)”
Wave Computing has announced that its MIPS processor technology is today enabling over 80 percent of vehicles equipped with Advanced… Leggi tutto »ResilTech contributes on Wave Computing MIPS processors tecnology success
Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2022H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 project n. 823788 ADVANCE goal is to… Leggi tutto »ADVANCE
Active Monitoring of the Infrastructure 2019-2021Project funded by the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca under the program of industrial research… Leggi tutto »MAIA
On 19th and 20th November 2018 ResilTech participated to “Toscana Tech 2018”.The event was organized by the Tuscany Region and… Leggi tutto »ResilTech participated to Toscana Tech 2018
Good for You! racconta la qualità del prodotto agroalimentare e risponde alle esigenze del nuovo consumatore utilizzando le informazioni di… Leggi tutto »Good For You!
IOT 4.0 solutions for Yacht maintenance and remote assistance 01/04/2018 – 30/09/2019POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse I° – action 1.1.5 IOT… Leggi tutto »IOT 4.0 Yacht